The Bureau of Labor Statistics and other leading research indicates that, although the division of household labor is becoming more equitable, women still complete more of it. Pew Research reports that women, on average, do 8 hours more household tasks weekly than men. On September 30, 2014, the BLS cited that women do 2 times more cooking, 3 times more cleaning and 4 times more laundry than their male household partners. For the woman artist, this leaves less time to do art. What great art could she make with 32 more hours of free time a month?
My house is an utter mess. I admit it. My floors could be cleaner. There is a mounting pile of dishes in the sink as I write this. And, although, I do feel pangs of guilt over this fact, this feeling doesn't last for long. It's only my husband and me living in this house and I am grateful that he doesn't balk at my lack of domesticity or commitment to it. I reason that the dirt isn't going anywhere. It will be there when I finish my next sculpture. And when I am languishing on my death bed, I seriously doubt that I will be troubled by the fact that I should have done just one more load of laundry or vacuumed the floors just a bit more. No. I will regret that there was not more time to create good art, that my next great sculpture---my possible masterpiece--- will die with me.
So, my fellow female artists...I think it's OK to leave that bed unmade. Leave that pot roast in the freezer for another day. Your true masterwork is calling for you to create it. And a sparkling, gleaming bathtub will not help you do that.